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[]=  ♥fish♥

TODAYS SEGMENT IS ON....FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!♥♥♥♥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes my good people, HURRAY FOR FISH♥!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alright finally on this site we have something to talk about...

Q: Dontae ,Austin Texas

Dear Kirsten,

Seeing as you are the creater of wigglie i was wondering if this topic would be used. I have a fish tank that i got about one month ago and i was wondering if you could help me with it. I have for gold fish and i want to get three more. But i dont want the tank to be dull and ugly so i dont want more gold fishes i want more tropical fish. Plus i cant seem too keep my fish alive when i put them in the tank, i had two dye already and i want to keep the rest live, got sum idias?

Thanks Alot!

Dontae (^ ^ )


Hi there Dontae,

This is Kirsten using your topic for my site, obviously or else you wouldn't be reading this, but ANYWAY!!! sure i could give you some hints on what you could do for your tank to make it more

here is what you could do to make the tropicalness more...oh how would you cay it..., TROPICAL!

1. some hints on diff types of fish are..... guppies, they make for great cute little tropic guys and they are really cool to look at!

you could also get angelfish, not only are they ANGELS, hey are a buncho diff colors

another kind of fish you could get is a discus fish, my favorie is the Pigeon blood discus, they are flat, amazing, and FISHY! GLUB GLUB!! lol

here is a link to look up diff types of fish and tropical things for the

that big enough for you to see??? LoL!!♥

ok now for you problem with "fishy funerals"

i own fish...of course i do! THY FISHIES SHALL ROCK!!!!!!!!!!hahaha

anywho.... ummm.... i boil water and let it cool so it is sterilized when i put it in the tank...then the fish get in the clean water.

make sure that the water is room temperature or however warm it has to be when you put the fish in. ALSO WARNING!!!!!!!!!! the fish may appear to be dead when you put them in because they are shocked by the water...dont worry they will get over it....*cry* reminds me of first gold see i was putting her...oh never mind i cant go on and you get the point...

other helpful hints to keep them fishies at their fishiest...

dont over feed them

make sure they are all living in same water temp

ummm...make sure that they are not fighting fish(bad bad scene)

also! make sure they are about the same size so one dont eat the other!!!!!(YEAH REALLY HELPFUL!!!)

and last but totally not the least.............

make sure that you feed them, and feed them regularly so you arent missing a fishy when you wake up in the morning.....♥

Love to all who visit my site,
